Laskaridis Marble  
Laskaridis Marble
Laskaridis Marble

The existing factory facilities extend over an area of 2000 m2 in Theologos - Thassos, with a 700 m2 built coverage. The company's objective is to attain high standards of quality and supply new forms of products while reducing the cost of production, in order to remain competitive on the world market. Emphasis is given in the exploitation of irregular blocks for the production of special size slabs, sets, small cubes, kerbs, masonry units etc.

In 2006, Laskaridis Marble SA initiates a major investment project that includes the construction of a new factory equipped with new automated machinery and using cutting-edge technology with the aim to increase the productive capacity and quality potentials so that the company would be able to fully satisfy the broad variety of client requirements all over the world.





Laskaridis Marble
Laskaridis Marble
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Laskaridis Marble
Laskaridis Marble
Look at the locations where the quarrying of marble on the map of the island Thassos.
Laskaridis Marble
Laskaridis Marble
Laskaridis Marble
Look at pictures from our quarries in Thassos.
Laskaridis Marble
LIMENAS, THASSOS - 64004 * Tel: +30-25930-22044/+30-25930-22018 * Fax: +30-25930-22039
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